Welcome to Grizzly Griptape Copenhagen Take Over - Travel Day
Copenhagen Pro is back for what is said to be the last hoorah! Torey & Boo Johnson left LAX Monday afternoon to head overseas and take in Copenhagen Pro 2017. The Grizzly Gang will be cruising the streets, skating the contest, and provide you with day to day coverage of the event through our eyes. You can expect to see us taking over our Grizzly Griptape Instagram, Blog, & social media outlets!
Check out these images below of Travel Day 1 and stay tuned for day 2 of CPH Pro through the #GrizzlyGang!
Don't forget ETN will be holding it down with live coverage all week long!


1 of 1 Grizzly Grease hand made by Torey Pudwill

Arrived in Copenhagen 4:30pmUTC+

Torey Pudwill with his exclusive Denmark OG Bear Tee keep a eye out on how you could get one

Felipe Gustavo made it!!

- Day 1 in the books -
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